
Year 7 Admissions

Year 7 entry to Grammar Schools in Birmingham from September 2024 onwards

The Admissions Policy for Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School can be found here – https://bvgs.co.uk/admission-policy/

Applicants wishing to join the school in Year 7 are required to sit the entrance examination run by the Consortium of Grammar Schools in Birmingham. The timetable for the grammar school admissions process can be found below:


Year 7 Admissions Timetable

7th May 2024 - Test registration opens

You can register your child for the entrance test from this date by visiting
https://westmidlandsgrammarschools.co.uk/ You will receive an email acknowledgement immediately after submitting your registration to confirm it has been successful. Following registration, you will be sent a further email in due course advising you of the venue of the test.

All costs associated with the entrance test, including the test itself, are paid for by the grammar schools – the test is not to be used as a practice or ‘mock test’ by candidates with no intention of applying for a place at any of The Grammar Schools in Birmingham.

Should you decide to register for the optional entrance test and it is deemed that your home address is not within a reasonable commutable distance to The Grammar Schools in Birmingham, you will be contacted by the Admissions Office to provide further information to support your application to sit the test – this will include a request for evidence of your intention to relocate, such as a recent offer of employment in the area.
13th June 2024 - Bishop Vesey's Grammar School Open Evening

Our Open Evening is a ticketed event. You can reserve your tickets here:

Due to high demand, we are holding an additional Open Morning on Monday 24th June for those who are interested in sending their child to Bishop Vesey's Grammar School but were unable to get a place on one of the Open Evening slots. You can book your tickets here: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/bvgs
14th June 2024 - Reasonable adjustments deadline

This is the deadline for requesting reasonable adjustments are made to the entrance test to allow your child to access the paper, if for example they have a disability. Requests for adjustments and supporting evidence must be uploaded with your child’s registration form.
28th June 2024 - Test registration deadline

4pm is the deadline for registering for the entrance test. It is not possible to register for the test after this time.
September 2024 - Test information

You will be sent information about the test and procedure for the day of the test. This will be posted to your home address. If you have not received this by 9th September, contact the Admissions Office. Do not contact the office before 9th September.
14th September 2024 - Entrance test

Your child sits the entrance test on this date. Two sessions will be held (AM and PM). Your child will be allocated a session and you should therefore keep the whole of 14th September free from commitments.
18th October 2024 - Results

The entrance test results will be sent prior to you completing your Local Authority preference form – Note this is not the offer of a place.
31st October 2024 - Preference form deadline

You must have applied for school places via your local authority by this date. You are advised to wait for the entrance test results before applying for school places.
3rd March 2025 - School offer

1st March or next working day is the national date for local authorities to notify parents which school their child has been offered.


Support for Pupil Premium pupils – free Atom Learning account

Bishop Vesey’s is proud to be open to pupils from all backgrounds. As described in our Admissions Policy, those students who are eligible for Pupil Premium through having been eligible for Free School Meals during the last six years are given priority selection if they have achieved a minimum qualifying score.

To encourage even greater representation of children at Bishop Vesey’s, we work in partnership with Atom Learning, a leading online Key Stage 2 learning and 11+ preparation platform, to provide students who are eligible for pupil premium with a free programme of online learning and exam preparation materials. This programme is designed to help children master national curriculum objectives, familiarise them with the type of questions they may see on their entrance test, and build exam technique and confidence.

If your child is in Year 4 or 5 and has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, please fill in the form by clicking the button below. They will be given free access to Atom Home when their pupil premium status has been verified by their primary school.

Access free 11+ resources


Important Admissions Information for 2024