
Introduction & Charter

Objectives of the BVGS Careers Department

BVGS students have a wealth of talent and ability, and with the appropriate guidance and support they should forge successful careers in the future. All students should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential, academically and professionally. The provision of an effective careers programme is an essential component in enabling students to make fully informed decisions about their future, and most importantly to motivate them in working towards achieving their goals.


Careers advice should be available throughout secondary education as it serves as a primary influence upon students, enabling them to relate their studies to the working world, and to determine their long term plans. It is important for students to identify their strengths and interests, acquire the necessary experience, and work upon any areas of weakness. They must develop the knowledge and necessary skills that are required in order to realise their ambitions.


BVGS aims to provide an outstanding Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme that spans throughout the school. The Programme has been developed by the Careers Leader and is overseen and supported by the SLT. The school has a Careers Advisor who is integral to the delivery of the programme, and in particular in conducting careers interviews and providing expert guidance and advice. There is further a Work Experience Co-ordinator who is responsible for implementing the programme of work- related learning involving work placements in Year 10 and 12.


The Programme is embedded within the curriculum, with all Heads of Department being actively involved in looking to incorporate work-related learning to subjects throughout the school.


The school provides CEIAG guidance to students tailored to their specific subject choices and ambitions. The students are monitored upon how they are working towards their chosen goals.


The school is keen to provide an opportunity for students to consider all options of vocational and academic training with a view securing long term employment.  External training providers are welcomed to offer advice and guidance to students at careers fairs and enrichment days along with arrangements made for students to participate in taster days and workshops.


Should you have any further queries concerning careers please contact Natalie Ashby via the school reception.


In adopting the Government’s Careers Strategy, it is our aim to follow the Gatsby Good Career Guidance Benchmarks which look to enable schools and colleges to develop the best careers framework in meeting student’s needs.

Careers Department Student and Parents Charter

BVGS aims to provide a first-class careers guidance and support with a view to enabling students to achieve their full potential with their future studies and careers. This Charter details the commitment the school will make to provide careers education, information, advice and guidance, and the commitment required from students and parents to utilise the resources available to enable the students to make fully-informed decisions.


The School

In order to provide a high quality careers guidance and support service, the school will:

  • provide a fully comprehensive and globally accessible careers programme tailored to the individual needs of the students with full details on the school website,
  • secure feedback from stakeholders, and to undertake a full evaluation of the careers programme annually
  • provide students and parents with access to information about further education and labour market opportunities,
  • provide students with the opportunity to attend Careers Fairs, Visiting Speakers, Mentoring, Mock Interview Events Open days, Conventions, Workshops, Masterclasses and Taster sessions with Universities/Colleges and Employers,
  • provide a careers programme that is tailored to the individual needs of the children,
  • provide a well-structured work experience placement scheme for Years 10 and 12.
  • provide every student with an interview with an impartial careers advisor by the end of Year 11, and a further interview before the end of Year 13.



In order to secure maximum benefit from the careers programme, students are required to:

  • commit to investing time in utilising the careers resources available to them,
  • commit to attending enrichment and careers-related activities,
  • record all research and careers-related activities that they have undertaken on the student tracker,
  • provide feedback on the careers programme when requested by the Careers Department.



In order to maximise the benefit their children gain from the careers programme, parents are required to:

  • familiarise themselves with the resources available to their children on the school careers website,
  • encourage their children to utilise the careers resources available to them,
  • encourage their children to record all research and careers-related activities that they have undertaken on the student tracker,
  • attend careers-related events held for parents at school,
  • provide feedback on the careers programme when requested by the Careers Department.

Gatsby Benchmarks
In December 2017 the Government published  a new Careers Strategy and, in January 2018 published statutory guidance for school leaders and school staff which provided a blueprint for building a high-quality careers system that will help young people to fulfill their potential. The Gatsby Charitable Foundation identified the elements that define an excellent careers provision, through the use of eight “Gatsby Benchmarks”. The Gatsby Benchmarks now form the heart of the Government’s Careers Strategy, with all schools expected to meeting all of the Benchmarks in full by the end of 2020.

The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are summarised below:


Gatsby Benchmark 1 – A stable careers programme

  • To provide an effective, fully comprehensive and globally accessible careers programme tailored to the individual needs of the students.
  • To provide full details of the Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)   programme to all stakeholders through the school’s website.
  • To secure feedback from stakeholders, and to undertake a full evaluation of the careers programme annually.


Gatsby Benchmark 2 – Learning from career and labour market information

  • To provide students and parents with access to and guidance about further education and labour market opportunities,
  • To provide students with the opportunity to attend Open days, Conventions, Workshops, Masterclasses and Taster sessions with Universities/Colleges and Employers.


 Gatsby Benchmark 3 – Addressing the needs of each pupil

  • To provide a careers programme that is tailored to the individual needs of the children, with an individual record being kept to track the progress of each student, both during school and for 3 years after completing secondary education.
  • To ensure that students receive up to date, relevant and impartial resources / advice which is made accessible to them regardless of race, gender, disability, social background or sexual orientation.
  • To provide a programme that is designed to promote social mobility, equality and diversity.


Gatsby Benchmark 4 – Linking curriculum learning to careers

  • To provide a programme that links curriculum learning to careers, with all teachers emphasising the importance of Maths and English in achieving success, and emphasis being placed upon the relevance of STEM subjects in a wide variety of careers.
  • To provide a programme of study designed to enhance student’s employability.


Gatsby Benchmark 5 – Encounters with employers and employees

  • To provide annual visits from employers and employees from a variety of industries through Careers Fairs, Visiting Speakers, Mentoring and Mock Interview Events.


Gatsby Benchmark 6 – Experiences of workplaces

  • To provide a well-structured work experience placement scheme for Years 10 and 12.


Gatsby Benchmark 7 – Encounters with further and higher education

  • To provide full information about all forms of tertiary and technical education enabling students access to institutions and education providers.


Gatsby Benchmark 8 – Personal guidance

  • To provide every student with an interview with an impartial careers advisor by the end of Year 11, and a further interview before the end of Year 13.