
Extra-Curricular Activities

Our School is not just about academic scholarship, learning and aspiration. It is also about developing character. That means providing opportunities outside the classroom for every student to grow.


We offer a range of dynamic music provision in the Clive Richards Music Centre and beyond including:


  • Tuition in 19 different musical instruments with the opportunity to take ABRSM exams.
  • Percussion, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Guitar, Vocal ensembles, String Quartet, Orchestra, Wind Band, Vesey Voices, Funky Bishops.
  • Half termly concerts
  • Annual performances at number of School and wider community events
  • Music tour


Other students enjoy drama:


  • Annual Junior and Senior productions<
  • LAMDA lessons and examinations.



We offer a range of mind sports competing in a variety of regional chess and debating competitions.
Some students develop character through a range of sports: rugby, cricket, hockey, cross-country, tennis and rowing and many others. We have outstanding coaches and compete against some of the top sporting schools in the country in prestigious competitions such as:

  • The Nat West rugby cup.
  • The Rosslyn Park Sevens
  • County, Regional and National Championships
  • Birmingham Junior NBA finals
  • Birmingham School Games
  • King Henry VIII Relay Race
  • Royal Henley Regatta


We also hold:

  • Sports Day
  • A Swimming regatta
  • A plethora of House competitions.




For others the bedrock of character development and teamwork will come through fund-raising for our 2 key charity partners: ‘Aspire to Africa’, which is supporting a school in primary school in Tanzania and Sutton Coldfield’s Our Place community hub. Or it may come from a variety of leadership roles across the school?
Last but not least we develop character through adventures and trips at home and abroad on 5 continents. We are also proud to offer the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme, a combination of public service and exciting expeditions, as well as the wonderful World Challenge scheme.