

Easyfundraising joins school’s Corporate Partnership Programme

EasyFundrasing has joined the Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School (BVGS) Corporate Partnership Programme to help support the school which is facing the continued budget squeeze.


We need your help! Do you shop online with retailers like Amazon, eBay, Just Eat, Argos, M&S, Next and Waitrose? If you do, you can turn that shopping into free donations for BVGS at no extra cost to you. Our partner easyfundraising gives you access to over 3,300 well-known retailers and when you make a purchase, the retailer sends a free donation back to BVGS as a thank you.


It’s really easy way to support our school and your shopping won’t cost you a penny more. It really works – so far we’ve raised over £2,400 through easyfundraising but we want to raise more! Please go to our easyfundraising page and click ‘join us’ to start raising money when you shop online:



Website: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/bishopveseysgrammar/

Email: becky@easyfundraising.org.uk

Phone: 0121 285 4823